Return & Refund Policy

Order Cancellation

All orders can be cancelled until they are shipped. If your order has been paid and you need to change or cancel it, you must contact us within 12 hours. Once the packaging and shipping process has started, it can no longer be cancelled.

The fastest way to get in touch would be to e-mail or send us a message on contact page


If you are not happy with your purchase from Kenuma. We offer a 30-day 100% money-back guarantee on all the products no questions asked. Just let us know through our simple return process mentioned below within 100 days of receiving the product.

We will ask you to ship the parcel to our warehouse address which we will provide you, once you apply for a refund.

If your parcel has passed the guaranteed period of delivery time mentioned in our shipping policy, you are eligible for a full refund.

If you are unsatisfied with your order and it’s been over 30 days – please contact us and we will do our best to help you out!

Customers will be responsible for paying return shipping costs. Unless Kenuma is at direct fault.

We Do Not Issue The Refund If:

  • Your order does not arrive due to factors within your control (e.g. providing the wrong shipping address)

Our Simple Return & Refund Process:

  • Submit refund requests within 30 days after receiving the product.
  • Once the refund request is approved based on the conditions mentioned above.
  • Initiate return shipping to our warehouse.
  • Once the warehouse receives your shipment.
  • The refund will be processed within the next 48 hours.

The fastest way to get in touch would be to e-mail or send us a message on the contact page

*Your order# will be required when you apply for a refund as it will help us identify the exact order faster.